Monday, 23 September 2013


For me, the most important element was the result of today's presentation.

I was aware that, when I began the first section, I rushed through the words on my notes, which I had attached to the back of the illustration cards, and I felt as though I spent a lot of my time trying to get the PowerPoint presentation up and running correctly.
                                                                                 See images here /PowerPoint 

After I  had finished my presentation, and retook my seat in the class, I reflected back on what I had done and I realised that I had, on occasion, kept bringing up my scripts in front of my face. This is something I will work on in the future. 

After I had finished my life in 5 objects presentation my peers gave me my feedback.

What they noticed and gave me advice on was really good. This included:

·        When I am reading from my cards (scripts) my voice goes different than when I am looking across at my peers talking to them directly.

 The direct approach was a positive outcome.

·        They also mentioned that it came across well, because I knew what I was talking about, in depth, so I could have easily done the presentation without any need for my scripts.

Having learnt what I can do better the next time for a presentation, I feel like I can take these comments and use the advice for the next time.

As a next step, I need to reference books/ you tube etc. on how to talk without scripts to help with future presentations/talks.

Presentation comment/Grade sheet:

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