Monday, 30 September 2013


We visited Staffordshire University Library in the afternoon.The reason for the visit was to get reacquainted with the library and what resources that would be available to us during all hours. For me the most meaningful aspect of the trip was that I was reintroduced to the whole building and was told where I could find the art books. The lady also gave some good advice, which I didn't know before about Staffs University and what’s on their website including the survival kit and where you can the find the artist / books. I think this tour and talks were easier to understand as when I came for the first tour, at the open evening, I wasn't told much about the art books - where I would find them and about the website.

Before we left the University we continued working on Illustrator. I’m not used to Illustrator as I haven't worked with it before so it was totally new to me. As I did not learn Illustrator from the beginning, I am going to find some tutorial lessons and purchase the CS6 book to guide me through the tool bar and how to use it at home. The resources at University will also help. Afterwards, we did some of a Typography lesson and we were then given a little task to complete on the Internet.

See below for link 

It was an enjoyable activity. I had a few attempts at it and these were my scores below. 
SCORES: 73/100, 74/100, 79/100, 83/100, 84/100, 87/100

When we arrived at the library, we were taken to the first floor for an introduction about the library -what they offer, what they can do, support etc.
It was interesting to know what Staffs’ Uni library has to offer and what the Staff’s Uni. website does as well. We were then given a tour around the building and then told about the journals and the different type of books that they get. They also told us that we just need to ask them if you need anything.
I asked a couple of questions.

Such as:  If we wanted to renew our book and it was booked out by someone else so we couldn't renew them again, they would let us know when it would be due back, what fees are charged.

Then we were given a task to gather research (photos /photocopies) if we could of 4 journals with as many articles as possible.



The negative thing that happened throughout this session would be that i have never used Illustrator before . Because I am not yet certain of  Adobe Illustrator I will reference certain books and courses to help learn these tools.

Notes to show that I am showing that I am keeping the next step up to date .

Alt  > Shift 
Reflect > Draw a rectangle  
Window pathfinder  > Ungroup  

Change colour > Shift holds line 

  • Illustrator  Adobe  > Practise  
  • Vector 
  • Full colour process  > CMYK
  • Industry
  • Visits 
  • CMYK > large scale out points 
  • > Life bow > Four colours process print > Create plates > Create four plate's  
  • See it where it goes wrong  
  • Colours not laying up quite right  
  • 500 -3000 > Cheaper to do it 
  • 500 of print it takes sometimes  

CMYK plates > It runs really quick 
Cost > Using small plates  
£40 a plate > CMYK 
£160 > before printing  
Line fame > Just set up  

Print when using vector >emend in> no crosses 
Bleed > doesn't go over the page ink > Cut it plus 3 mm- 5 mm Image 
Crop marks > Where?
A2 size we want 

  • Bleed > Top 3mm  all the way to the right 3mm 
  • Quite boards > Can’t put on print 
  • Folder files  
  • Safe zone  > Video term 
  • Keeping things away from the edge of the page >5mm 
  • Text not up to the edge 
  • Window > Links>Embed 
  • Live trace > Is messy at work > complicated 
  • Unless for a particular part 

Cmd 2 > Lock
Z-the Cmd Sign 2 > Unlock

Window type > Character > 150 > 0> Auto > Highlight 
(Hold down Alt and Click either the left or the right  

Kern type 
Scores: 73/100, 74/100, 83/100, 84/100, 87/100

Friday, 27 September 2013


I have had a tour of the Photography studio during my previous year but it was good to have a refresh on what is available to the students, also recapping on the Health and Safety procedures.

Photography Notes:

Photography Studio

  • Smaller Studios > Passport Photos
  • Flash heads >£600-£700
  • Soft box
Plastic Surface > Photography
Give you the same effect as an inside studio

£4000> Studio Room

Lot of access
Dangerous in studios > Hazards

Flash > is very powerful > long term can cause damage
Careful > about the boxes

Trip hazards and bumping into things etc. paper, boxes and tables.

Power supplied > Electricity > Main Hazard >Circuit Breaker

No drink / food in the studio

Electrocute yourself > you could (can) die

Flash head > Power into it beam of power > is a copasetic> fires the flash

Don't mess about in the studio.
If something breaks in the studio or you’re not sure what has happened tell someone.

Light table> breaks if anything heavy goes onto it > only for objects
£ 200 to replace

Studio 2 > 5 flash heads here.
Paper curve / Paper scoop
Two shades of colour
Black and white

Limiting > Studio area 3 > 3 flash heads

One shoot at a time
Maximum of 6 in a studio
Completely available to us Friday morning

Photos flash setting into the middle

Plenty of light > little photo cell waiting > flash goes off > boom > there is a delay > so fast you cannot see the delay

Flash sync unit
Put onto your camera (sits on top)> little charge goes through to the little boxes > hook up wires.
(F11-1-5 )
100> 125

Charged > 1-5         is different
               > 250    > 1/2 second      even shorter
                            320 second

See's shutter > photography its own shutter
Shutter too quick for its own camera
Using the correct sync speed

Accidents happen tell someone

Portable equipment > use that from the techs
Update flash kit > charge up
Carrying flash around could be dangerous
  • Get your vision?
  • What you want?
  • What you done?

Advertising> made of

 Duffy jewellery
  • Studio at home
  • Transport at home ( bike)
  • Modern day Artists
  • Antics
  • Inspired > materials precious
  • Always been part of modern technology. Been a big part of it
Fashion Houses and other people making something new and fresh
Salvage company

After we came out of the studio tour I felt like I couldn't stand the flashing lights up close if I have to come in contact with them. I love taking photos but I always take the flash off as I don't really use the flash as I find it blinding. These notes here show that I taken them for future reference. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013



  • PENS

These are two different links. I wanted to put in the visitor link to Wedgwood, and the original link to the actual Wedgwood website for you to see both of them are different links, but provide the same information about Josiah Wedgwood and visiting the museum/visitor centre.


We attended a lecture for 30 - 60 minutes where we took notes about the history of Wedgwood, from when it first started to present day. We were then split up into groups where we went on different tours and were able to handle fragile, old pieces of Wedgwood. I found this full day at Wedgwood was more enjoyable as there were more activities to do and because of the talks.

Monday, 23 September 2013


This session was about setting up a new blog too put in my dates of different events going on for the journal to record and for others to read . 
I would say that i have bad spelling and need to double check frequently to check that the punctuation is correct.   


  • Headphones in listening to music 
  • Can access from home> Gateway system  
  • Should have a multiple back up > Double back-ups of everything  
  • Documents area > Save it 
  • Logging out when you stop using it  
  • Restart the computer if computer is still on > Always restart even if it was left on for 10 minutes. 
  • Speed ( storage ) > MAC has big projects  
  • Everything you store back it up 
  • Neat and professional manner and environment  
  • Naming them properly when saving > Have folders titled properly named  
  • Recopy folders on hard drives > File save as 
  • Art work 1 , Then later on you save  later on you save it again > you call it art work 2 
  • different versions later on keeping putting numbers on the end 
  • Module 
  • Study skills > primary - secondary research 
  • 1st hand research in a museum > hand drawn 
  • Notes for module 
  • File >lemon yellow a4 lever archer file.
  • Participating in discussions and presentations 
  • Learning journals 
  • IRE
  • Investigation , Reflection , Expression 
  • Created new blog (which I won’t put on here ) 
  • I’ll use this for my uni. projects 
  • Blog is reflective journal > assessment submit blog name 
  • What is reflective writing > looking back at something > analysing > means on-going progressing > more personal 
  • Presentation > 200 words 

  • Wedgwood > 200 words 
  • First day of uni > 200 words > mention activities you did 
  • Welcome day to HE 
  • Honest views 
  • Mention the whole day > positive? negative 
  • Modules will have workout  it should be enough 
  • 5-6 weeks > 1 or 2 entire a week > in total 500 words 
  • Not just a massive wall of writing 
  • Take a photo of feedback sheet > include reference material 

  • Where you get things from > source from www.......> page from a book art deco book page 52
  • Does not have to be formal 
  • Don't do Dear Diary > write it from a personal point of view 
  • Send Richard essay if you’re not too sure if it’s correct 
  • Put reference underneath blog 
  • Long words , reference clearly written 
  • Formal side 
  • Structured writing 
  • Interpretation > important , interesting , useful ,relevant event , object , idea
  • Explained, similar different > description keep short 
  • Outcome learned 
  • Exploration and explanation of events 
  • If you say cue cards and say what you should have done and be more critical and what you will improve on > what you will get a better grade in 
  • come with terms with it > more human 
  • Reflect forward 
  • Met significant part > reflection 
  • Present tense 
  • Events are past tense 


For me, the most important element was the result of today's presentation.

I was aware that, when I began the first section, I rushed through the words on my notes, which I had attached to the back of the illustration cards, and I felt as though I spent a lot of my time trying to get the PowerPoint presentation up and running correctly.
                                                                                 See images here /PowerPoint 

After I  had finished my presentation, and retook my seat in the class, I reflected back on what I had done and I realised that I had, on occasion, kept bringing up my scripts in front of my face. This is something I will work on in the future. 

After I had finished my life in 5 objects presentation my peers gave me my feedback.

What they noticed and gave me advice on was really good. This included:

·        When I am reading from my cards (scripts) my voice goes different than when I am looking across at my peers talking to them directly.

 The direct approach was a positive outcome.

·        They also mentioned that it came across well, because I knew what I was talking about, in depth, so I could have easily done the presentation without any need for my scripts.

Having learnt what I can do better the next time for a presentation, I feel like I can take these comments and use the advice for the next time.

As a next step, I need to reference books/ you tube etc. on how to talk without scripts to help with future presentations/talks.

Presentation comment/Grade sheet:

Friday, 20 September 2013



Friday 20th  September 2013

On September 20th, we visited Wedgwood Visitor Centre.

When we arrived we all went into a meeting room, where we were introduced to the members of staff, with the lecturers that would be teaching us throughout the year. 

The classes then split into two group. Kev, one of the photographers, was talking about photography and how we should be handling the camera. For example, the angle that you hold your camera to get the best view of the vision you want, making sure your hand isn't shaking when you are taking the photograph or you will produce a blurry photo .

We then went outside to take some photographs and attach them to our blog. I took them on my Blackberry  phone. It wasn’t as good as my dslr camera, or my older digital one, but it produced good enough images for the project.

See Pictures Below (some more will be in my I.R.E file)

Josiah Wedgwood's Statue

After taking the photographs, we had a short break before joining the tour of the Wedgwood Museum, which was really interesting. 

Monday, 16 September 2013


First day of University 

See images below:

The first day of University was a really good and enjoyable experience. My pictures show that we had a brilliant time working together on numerous activities. 

For example: at the beginning of the first day, Richard gave each of us a number (1 or 2). Ones had to be paired with a two. A couple of the groups had to be a group of three, as our foundation course had an odd number of students.

Having paired up within the group, we were given an A1 piece of paper and told that we were to draw the other person across from us.

We were given 5 - 10 minutes to draw the person before you had to change with a different partner. This was also combined with swapping around, drawing with our opposite hand to what we usually drew with, and also with our eyes closed. I didn't do too good with drawing with my eyes closed even with someone guiding me.

After this task, we went back into our individual classes.

After a while, where we took a few notes, the other class came back into the room and joined our group to complete another task.

For this task. we had to create an object out of kitchen paper. The team that I was in had to make a teapot out of kitchen paper and the end result was a child's teapot.

See images below:

These are a couple of many images that were taken of the last task that we all completed together. The prize for this task was not known until the end-it was 3 tins of different beans.